
Poodles On Pogo Sticks

Hi there! I am so sorry that I have been away for so long. I have been spending all of my time at thrift stores and estate sale and over at Etsy trying to really make my shops work. I have expanded them! I have one for mid century modern home items. One for SHOES! (yay shoes) One for Children. And one for vintage fashion. I will also be working on one for older, more rustic/folk items and Mr Hubby is getting in on the action and wants one (maybe 2) for dude stuff.
This is just our attempt at controlling the reins. Although- I think I am going to "go back to work" next week. It's been 5 years since I have worked for someone other than myself and Cribcandy.
I have a local pet groomer wanting me to come work for her. (I am a master pet groomer by trade). Plus I have been bugging Mr Hubby for a dog and he's all "no way" so this will nurture that for me. Little does he know that the best way to get a dog is to work in the field and wait for one to find you.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, that is the most terrifying picture! I feel so sorry for that woman, I hope she was paid a lot and that none of her friends ever saw it.
