Moss Terrarium
Unemployment has been very soothing (despite the ulcer the lack of money is causing). On Sunday Sophie and I went for a hike in the woods that is our backyard, for the first time since we have been here, just to explore. We found a quick path to the beach, tons of moss, lots of fallen balloons, (think about that the next time you launch one) and some lovely yellow flowers.
When we got back to the studio we promptly created a terrarium. Something I have been wanting to do for years now! And guess what? It wasn't that hard! Grab a jar, toss in dirt, lay moss on top, water and then add woodland creatures. Easy peasy.
I have been vacillating with what I want to do now.
-open master boutique-style pet grooming shop (i have it dwindled down to a starting cost of just one grand now but dang it is hard to pull that out of your donkey these days)
-or just incorporated it in my studio? (leaning towards that as a start)
-make my own pet shampoos and what not (i have always been fascinated with apothecary)
-resell those products (using my Master pet groomer title)
-spend more time crafting with Sophie, summer is a coming!