Publique Living
Here are a few things that I found over at that I find so inspiring.
I just bought a really pretty fur coat at Goodwill. I am kinda afraid to wear it since we are in the green building industry people expect us to be vegans too but I love meat. I was raised on a pure German diet.
I do think its pretty sad to kill an animal just for it's fur only to end up at Goodwill. I really felt like I needed to rescue that coat, but I do live in So Cal so the chances of actually wearing it is slim. Maybe I will make some new pillows for my sofa with it like the ones above.....I love love love this and am definitely going to make these for my home!
These trays are just made from veneer. A couple snips on each end with a glob of glue and you have a modern and natural centerpiece or even use it as a gift basket to give to your neighbor a banana bread after your 2 year old had a temper tantrum in their front yard this morning.
You could even finish them with salad bowl oil and then actually serve food on them.
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