
Flat Pack Slippers

Found this over at Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion. If you don't know about it- Its a really sweet crafty magazine. They also feature real live artists and crafters that you see online all the time. My mother-in-law sent me a subscription to it and at first I was like wft? This is a paperdoll magazine! This is so Holly Hobbie.... Then I opened it and saw so much more. I really found it to be quite inspiring. I usuaally try to only use my "powers" for mod design but Home Companion fed into my inner crafter.
Back to the slipper. Since we moved our boat I have been trying to get my travel goodies together. The perfect travel pack. I want to be just as comfortable on the road/water as I am at home but I don't want to schlep a huge bag around. These slippers are perfect! They are totally "flat pack" and I can actually make them to fit my humongo feet. (and make matching ones for my Salamander).


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