Cathryn Barnon's Diorama
I find this idea to be so inspiring on so many levels. I can just imagine creating something similar but actually using live plants or herbs. You can buy sheets of plexi-glass at your local hardware store. They will even cut it to size for you. Then use a plastic adhesive such as Weld-On to "glue" your pieces together. The adhesive actually melts the pieces to each other rather than gluing them together.
Read about why Cathryn and her husband created this at Nature Is Sculpture.
Absolutely beautiful! I love it. Nice size, nice layout and a bit minimalist. The green is just breathtaking. Nice work.
Her work is very interesting. Reminds me of two things, real moss gardens and the landscaping stuff that they sell at my local model railroad store. That stuff would be great to make your own fake one.
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