
I'm sailing away,

Set an open course for the virgin sea
I've got to be free, free to face the life thats ahead of me
On board, I'm the captain, so climb aboard
Well search for tomorrow on every shore
And Ill try, oh lord, Ill try to carry on
(do you have eric cartman in your head now?)

I was snooping around at sail umbrella shades. We just moved our patio furniture around to make room for a new toddler pool for my Salamander to soak in whilst I compute all day from the nearby doorway. Our new problem now is that the satee now sits just below the Hass avocado tree where on any given day during the tree's peak, at least 5 avocados drop to that exact spot. We need something to soften the blow and a plain ole market umbrella seems boring. I remembered the sail shades that I had run across a few years ago and just discovered that now you can buy just the hardware so that you can make your own. I love that concept! I can totally find my own fabric for a lot less than what it would cost to purchase outright.


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