Toddlers Don't Give A Crap If You Are Sunburned
They still climb all over you.
Sorry I have not been around much this week, I have been busy with my soon-to-be 3 year old. It is just her and I most days. Mr Hubby has been having to actually work since a few employees are taking their summer vacations. Sophie and I have been busy crafting (nothing to speak of unless you want to see our latest PlayDoh monster or finger painting) and going to the beach. Basically anything to get her away from what has become her favorite friend, the television. Yikes! Also by the time I get done with the sites my eyes are bulging out so much that I have to stop interwebbing for the day, sorry.
I am going to round up the week with some fun sites that I have "collected" this week. I hope you enjoy and have a terrific weekend! And as always- give your mother a hug. (Or your father Amy!)
Red Snapper
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