
As incredible as our house is the washer and dryer have never had a proper home. The washer is in the kitchen next to the refrigerator (no water sources in or even near the garage) while the dryer is out in the garage (for electrical reasons). We just decided to do something about it so yesterday we purchased a new black set (with a gas dryer this time) and they will both be together in the kitchen. Not the best place but at least they are together. Plus my house is really like one half kitchen so there is plenty of room there.

So why am I telling you all this? Our old set will be needing a new home now but it has a moldy stinky door gasket. I spent a few hours searching for the new part and any advice I could find on installing the new gasket and also on how to prevent this problem in our new set. I found that it is a very common problem and there are a few cleaning agents to combat the problem but the only one that got good reviews over and over again was Smelly Washer. So I ordered a bottle of it and we will see... just thought you might like to know of this product if you too are having Smelly Washer problems.
Side note- I did read that it is actually a fungus that gets into your clothing causing them to smell and cause possible sinus and allergy issues. So in cleaning your clothes you're actually making them dirtier.Yuck!


Anonymous,  8:51 AM  

To combat the "smelly washer" syndrome I use a few drops of tea tree oil in every load - haven't had a problem since - i also use vinegar instead of fabric softener - so that could be part of the solution too.

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